شقة بشاطئ النخيل (6اكتوبر) بحرى ناصيتين شارع 6 (تطل على دارالدفاع الجوى _قريبة من البحر ) شقة ق ج - شارع جانبى سانت فاتيما -125



Apartment furnished hotel for rent Abbas El Akkad 550 pound

4/23/2016 1:37:12 PM

عدد المشاهدات


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Apartment furnished hotel for rent Abbas El Akkad 250 m behind the KFC Panorama is ideally In Nasr City near the malls and all services 3 bedrooms, 4 receptions 2 bathrooms finishing Hi Lux elegant furnishing fully air-conditioned with all the luxuries first floor required 550 pounds today and 11,500 thousand pounds per month depending on periods to inquire 01067675592 or 01113240072 or 01098184477 or 01011485849

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for القاهرة مدينة_نصر شقق
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